Verbs Flash Cards: want to ~
vocabulary: go shopping, talk to friends, go skiing, listen to music, go fishing, do homework, play tag, take a nap, clean, cook, draw, dance, eat, read a book, ride a bike, play soccer, watch TV, use a computer
Mark's Note: This set contains 8 new vocabulary words and then I added in some words from Verbs Sets 1-3 to fill out the set. These are activites that students will want to do and also not want to do. They are designed to practice:
'I want to play soccer.'
'I don't want to clean my room.'
'Do you want to do homework?'
I teach the words in the infinite, 'go' not 'going', and I keep it simple at first, just practicing the vocabulary. Then I choose a time that the students will be free and I start asking "Do you wanna ... after school today?' I talk about what I'm going to do, 'I'm going to clean my house.' I act disappointed, and then tell them, 'BUT, I wanna go shopping.' I use hand gestures and act like I'm really happy. (I teach 'wanna' because that's what we actually say)
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