Prepositions of Movement: Set 2
vocabulary: climb up the slide, slide down the slide, run through the forest, run across the street, swim under the shark, swim around the shark, swim away from the shark, get off of the elevator, get onto the elevator, walk into the mine, walk out of the mine, ride toward the mountain, ride over the mountain, ride past the saloon
Mark's Note: This is the 3rd set for prepositions of movement, but covers the same prepositions of movement as in sets 1 and 2. They are paired with some new verbs and objects. These are a good lead in to phrasal verbs and provide extra practice for these very important concepts in English. I teach the prepositional phrase first. The add the verb when the students are ready.
These are backed the same as the other sets, so you can also mix and match these with Set 2 to make a set that best suits your needs.
Set 1, Set 2, Set 3
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