Prepositions of Movement: Set 2
vocabulary: walk down the stairs, walk up the stairs, ride into cave, ride out of the cave, run toward the dragon, run away from the dragons, run across the bridge, jump off of the bridge, jump onto the bridge, fly over the cloud, fly under the cloud, fly through the cloud, fly around the cloud, fly past the cloud, fly back to the start
Mark's Note: Set 2 introduces prepositions of movement with different movement verbs as they would actually be used, 'walk down the stairs', 'run away from the dragon', and 'fly through the cloud'. I tried to keep both the verb and object of the prepositional phrase the same as much as possible. So there aren't many verbs used here, just walk, run, jump, ride (a bike,) and fly.
All of the sets are matching and backed the same, so you can mix and match them as best suits your needs. If you'd like more verbs but only want one set, try mixing sets 2 and 3. My students in Japan have a hard time with prepositions of movement, so I made a 3rd sets for more practice.
Set 1, Set 2, Set 3
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