Verbs Flashcards: Set 4
vocabulary: turn on the light, turn off the light, share the juice, call your mother, push the wagon, pull the bag, give a present, get a present, look at the mirror, color the picture, look for the treasure, find the treasure, break the vase, fix the pipe, throw away the trash
Mark's Note: Set 4 has a few actions that are opposites or go together. It helps with retention. I teach these as verbs only at first, 'push', 'pull', 'give', 'get', and then add the direct object after they have learned the verbs. Set 4 has a direct object for every verb.
With Set 4, I introduce the verbs as straigh vocabulary (not present continuous,)
'break the vase', 'give a present', 'get a present', for example.
These are some common actions that are generally not discussed in the present continuous. Then Set 5 will fill in the gaps with more useful vocabulary
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