The outline for MES-English's curriculum for ESL students, oral communication, phonics and all speaking approach designed by Mark Cox.

The Speaking First Curriculum: a curriculum for using MES flashcards, worksheets and phonics resources.

This curriculum is designed for children and doesn't use a course book. It uses the free MES materials from, Tools for, Fun and 123

The MES Phonics curriculum: coming soon!

- for a general idea of the phonics curriculum, Fun contains all of the workbooks I use and the order that I teach.

- I'll be posting more about the actual mechanics of the MES phonics system as soon as I can.

The Worksheet Guide: coming soon! (I hope.)

- a guide or order to all of the ready to print worksheets (talking worksheets and grammar introduction worksheets.)

If you'd like to listen to the the curriculum explained while I work on getting everything posted, you can find those files here:

The MES curriculum part 1 The MES curriculum part 2

Phonics part 1 Phonics part 2

MES English

MES English Certificate Templates Printable Cards Phonics Worksheets Worksheet Makers ESL Listening

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