Food Flash Cards

vocabulary: salad, bread, spaghetti, soup, fish, chicken, corndog, French fries, cheese burger, hotdog, pizza, a sandwich, a taco, cereal, cheese, bacon and eggs, rice, steak

food flash cards

Don't want to print? Try the online flashcards

The MES online flashcard application is an in-browser app that allows full screen display, has audio, and a few vocabulary building games. (This is a great option for online lessons or to save the time and cost of print versions.)

Mark's note: I use these cards to introduce the phrases "What do you want to eat?" They can also be used for restaurant role plays, especially with the drinks flash cards and the desserts and snacks flash cards. However, I'm sure you can think of many different ways to use these cards.

Games and worksheets to match these flashcards:

Below are some additional cards and worksheets that are ready to print. If you need different vocabulary, a different language, or would like to mix sets for your worksheets, you can do that. See the 'make your own' options.

Bingo Cards: these options give you 16 cards to print. If you need more cards just click reload or refresh your browser to get a new configuration.

Handouts: this option is for the vocabulary library format with the pictures up top and the vocabulary below in a word bank style

Crossword Puzzles: there are several options below, reload or refresh the browser to get a new configuration

Board Games: these use the Galactic Challenge board game template. For more styles and custom options, please see the 'make your own' option

Maze Games: these use the 12-box option with one image or the word in the content squares and small maze path style. For more layout options and custom mazes, please see the 'make your own' option.

hamburger, flash card

french fries, flash card

food flash card, hotdog

For ready-to-print worksheets and a printable game to match these cards, see the food worksheet in the flashcard worsheets section of the site


Tools for Educators is an MES site with 10+ worksheet generators to make vocabulary and language building teaching materials, using the images from these flashcards. There are simple spelling, matching, reading and writing worksheet makers as well as communicative games, vocabulary handouts and fun activities to print.


123 Listening is a website developed by MES and Dream English. It has free listening tests to download with matching audio. There are listening worksheet makers you can use to make custom listening tests with the same vocabulary sets and images to match these flashcards.


MES Games is an online ESL games site for students. There are vocabulary building games, spelling games, grammar games and more. Students can listen to native speakers, answer questions and practice online to help with vocabulary retention and use.

Food handout

Food PowerPoint flashcards

For different topics choose from the list below:

MES English

MES English Certificate Templates Printable Cards Phonics Worksheets Worksheet Makers ESL Listening

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