Chores Set 2
vocabulary: change diapers, change the oil, clean out the gutters, feed the baby, paint the deck, pay the bills, pick up the kids, pick up the toys, pick weeds, polish your shoes, trim the bushes, put the kids to bed, change a light bulb, set the table, wipe the table
Mark's note: This set contains more actions that adults or older teens might have to do. It also contains some things we only have to do once or twice a year. I use these to teach 'have to' and 'don't have to.', the same as with Set 1. With Set 2, I work on having students explain their yes/no answers.
'I have to pick up the kids twice a week. My husband picks them up the other days.'
'I don't have to clean out the gutters. We live in an apartment.'
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