Clothing Flash Cards: Set 1
vocabulary: a t-shirt, a hat, shorts, a skirt, socks, shoes, a tie, a shirt, a dress, pants, pajamas, a swimsuit, gloves, a coat, underwear
Mark's note: with the large flashcards, there are 7 characters wearing all of the items from set 1. These cards are great for teaching, 'He is wearing ...' or 'She has on ...'
Set 1 is a grouping of general items for daily wear. Below there is second set with different active wear, foot wear, sports apparel and so on that you can mix in if you'd like. The card backings are the same and you can make worksheets that include set 2 items by choosing the 'make your own' option.
Games and worksheets to match these flashcards:
Clothes Flashcards: Set 2
vocabulary: jeans, a tank top, a jersey, a suit, overalls, a vest, a blazer, a scarf, mittens, a uniform, a raincoat, a sweater, a pullover/sweatshirt, a sweat suit, sandals, sneakers, boots, high heels
Accessories Flash Cards
vocabulary: a ring, a necklace, a watch, a belt, a hairband, a bracelet, a bag, a wallet, a pendant, glasses, sunglasses, a handkerchief, a cell phone, keys, a key chain, make-up, a backpac, a purse, an umbrella
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