MES Online Cards! is a section of MES with online flashcard program, cards for story telling, specific target language, phonics, or cards to present and practice grammar topics. You can display the cards on a smartboard, via projector, on a tablet or smartphone. No need to print!
Many of the cards have links in their specific sections but for easy of use I have all of the online materials here in one place.
Online Flash Cards:
MES Online Flashcards section has 1000s of flashcards grouped into 130+ topics
.Online Flashcards page.
For a full list of topics, information, and details about the application, please see theSome popular topics:
Story Cards:
The MES Story Cards have 3 cards per set. Each of the cards has a picture that tells part of the story. Students look at the cards and try to tell or write out the story. There are some simple straight forward stories and some that require more thought to complete.
The application displays the 3 cards one at a time. You can suffle the order and tell the story in a different way as well. There are 30+ stories and more information on the Story Cards page.
Game and Character Cards:
For how to use the application and possible games, see the Online Game Cards page. For information about each card set and printable versions, please visit the card sets main page in the games section of MES English.
Phonics Resources:
Grammar Cards:
MES Grammar Cards is a collection of a few flashcard sets that are meant for discussion rather than simple vocabulary. Each set is designed to practice a specific target language.
MES English Certificate Templates Printable Cards Phonics Worksheets Worksheet Makers ESL Listening
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