This is the Virtual Key Pal Station at It is an international project exchange source. There are printable projects all ready to go. Just print and report back.
The Superhero Project target language: can, have, introductions, 3rd person singular
The Self Introduction International Project Exchange target language: present simple, like, favorites, have and language for introduction
The Mt. Diamonte Adventure Project target language: simple past or past perfect, creating a story
The Perfect Park Project target language: 'you can...' for permission., 'you can't...' for prohibition and imperatives.
The International Restaurant Boulevard Project target language: pricing, ordering, food, 'how much,' there is.../there are ... , when .../if ... clauses
I have more projects planned but I'm going to test the waters first. It takes some time to write these projects all out and get them on the web site. If I get a good reaction (a reaction) then I will post more of my projects.
There are no age or level limits for any project. That is up to the discretion of the teacher as to whether the project will be of interest to their class.
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