Question Words Flashcards:
vocabulary: what, where, when, why, how many, how much (money,) how much (amount,) what time, how long (time,) how long (length,) who, which
Mark's note: I don't drill these as a separate vocabulary set. I keep them by and pull them out now and then to remind students what they are asking when we are doing different things.
I have even thought of making a poster of them or just sticking them up on the wall to save me time.
Once you have taught 'how long' for length, you can easily expand to 'how far,' 'how tall,' and 'how old' or any of those in reverse to the 'how long' card.
Ex. If they already know 'how old' just pull up a student and ask, 'How old is he?' After the class answers, gesture from the ground to his head and ask, 'how old'??? Student should know this isn't right. Then explain that we ask, 'how tall' for height. Then point to his feet or another poor soul's (our first volunteer has done his duty,) and repeat with the 'how long' flashcard.
Print old MES files: here are the old (2006~2014) questions files
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