Phrasal Verbs Flashcards: Set 1
vocabulary: come in, get in, get out, pick up, put down, put on, take out, put away, run away, put in, come out, turn over, sit down, stand up, wake up, turn on, turn off, look for, go to bed, throw away
Mark's note: These are not separated into separable and inseparable. The first set is made up of high frequency phrasal verbs for young learners and set 2 is for a little bit older students. They are both backed the same so you can mix and match as you'd like.
Print old MES files: here are the old (2006~2014) phrasal verbs files
Phrasal Verbs Handout Phrasal 1 Get 'em Cards
Phrasal Verbs PowerPoint flashcards
Phrasal Verbs 2 Flashcards:
vocabulary: get in trouble, give away, go on a date, go out, hand in, hand out, grow up, hang out, laugh at, put out, put up, take down, take off, come off, break up
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