Much like Big Town, Little Town is populated with some very interesting characters. These elementary school children have full profiles including their family, likes, dislikes, pets, after school sports, special talents and more.
The best part about these cards is that there is no need for the students to be able to read. The cards use images only for all of the vocabulary and children can focus on the English regardless of reading competency.
Printable Versions:
Little Town characters on Dog Street
Little Town characters on Cat Street
Little Town characters on Frog Road
Each set contains 16 characters. The cards are made up of a lot of images and so the files are very large, sorry!
Here are a few templates you can use to have the students make their own cards: make your own template
The Game: Students can assume the personality (they become the person on the card) or they can play in the third person.
They introduce themselves or their friend to their partner.
A: Hi, my name is Jen Marx. What's your name?
B: My name is Ben Kix. It's nice to meet you, Jen.
A: Nice to meet you, too, Ben.
Then, they attempt to win the other student's card.
One way is to in turns ask a yes/no question and try to guess their partner's information.
A: Can you play the piano well
B: No, I can't.Can you use a computer well?
A: Yes, I can.
In this case A loses and gives his card to B. Then, they break away and go find another partner and play again. As for order you can play rock paper scissors to decide who goes first or bring out their aggressiveness and tell them whoever asks first, goes first. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
The picture of the character is on the backing, so students can use these when asking in the third person. Because they can see the picture, they know which to use, either 'he' or 'she.' Ex. 'Does he have 3 sisters?'
I also use these cards as a simple tell me about that person card and then build from them into small speeches about their other real friends, brothers, sisters and themselves.
There are 13 distinct wh-questions that can be practiced with these cards:
What's his name?
How old is he?
When is his birthday?
What is his telephone number?
What grade is he in?
What does he have for a pet?
How many sisters does he have?
What's his favorite color?
What's his favorite food?
What can he do?
What instrument does he play?
What does he do after school?
What does he want for Christmas?
Beyond that there are plenty of other statements that can be made using the cards and many simple yes/no questions. The characters are for the most part holding something, doing something or both. I generally have the students tell me 3 things about the character just from the picture, what they have, what they are doing and/or characteristics.
I also use the likes section to practice the conjunctions 'and' and 'but.' Ex. 'She likes purple and she likes tacos, but she doesn't like caterpillars.'
MES English Certificate Templates Printable Cards Phonics Worksheets Worksheet Makers ESL Listening
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