Make and print the Paper Game game boards with fruit_vegetables images .
Type in the words that you'd like to appear for each of the characters and choose which pictures you'd like to appear on the paper. Then, click make it. (this will generate 2 identical boards.)
(Your image category is fruit_vegetables . To change the category, see the Paper Game page.)
Select the pictures that you'd like displayed across the top of the board
picture 1: 1_blank Chinese_cabbage apple artichoke asparagus bananas blackberries blueberries broccoli brussels_sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower cherries corn cucumbers eggplant garlic grapefruit grapes green_pepper kiwi lemon lettuce mango melon mushrooms olives onions orange peach peanuts pear peas peppers pineapple plums pomegranate potatoes pumpkin raddishes scallions strawberry tomato turnip watermelon
picture 2: 1_blank Chinese_cabbage apple artichoke asparagus bananas blackberries blueberries broccoli brussels_sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower cherries corn cucumbers eggplant garlic grapefruit grapes green_pepper kiwi lemon lettuce mango melon mushrooms olives onions orange peach peanuts pear peas peppers pineapple plums pomegranate potatoes pumpkin raddishes scallions strawberry tomato turnip watermelon
picture 3: 1_blank Chinese_cabbage apple artichoke asparagus bananas blackberries blueberries broccoli brussels_sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower cherries corn cucumbers eggplant garlic grapefruit grapes green_pepper kiwi lemon lettuce mango melon mushrooms olives onions orange peach peanuts pear peas peppers pineapple plums pomegranate potatoes pumpkin raddishes scallions strawberry tomato turnip watermelon
picture 4: 1_blank Chinese_cabbage apple artichoke asparagus bananas blackberries blueberries broccoli brussels_sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower cherries corn cucumbers eggplant garlic grapefruit grapes green_pepper kiwi lemon lettuce mango melon mushrooms olives onions orange peach peanuts pear peas peppers pineapple plums pomegranate potatoes pumpkin raddishes scallions strawberry tomato turnip watermelon
picture 5: 1_blank Chinese_cabbage apple artichoke asparagus bananas blackberries blueberries broccoli brussels_sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower cherries corn cucumbers eggplant garlic grapefruit grapes green_pepper kiwi lemon lettuce mango melon mushrooms olives onions orange peach peanuts pear peas peppers pineapple plums pomegranate potatoes pumpkin raddishes scallions strawberry tomato turnip watermelon