bend the ball
build a dog house
do this
fold a paper ...
make a fire
play chess
read Braille
set up a tent
sew on a button
swing a golf club
tie a knot
train a dog
turn light into ...
use a sundial
wrap a present
write in cursive
drive a tractor
play chess
swing a golf club
train a dog
do this
read Braille
set up a tent
use a sundial
wrap a present
set up a tent
turn light into ...
do this
swing a golf club
build a dog house
write in cursive
use a sundial
train a dog
read Braille
do this
build a dog house
wrap a present
train a dog
play chess
bend the ball
sew on a button
write in cursive
fold a paper ...
turn light into ...
read Braille
use a sundial
drive a tractor
do this
train a dog
swing a golf club
swing a golf club
drive a tractor
wrap a present
read Braille
set up a tent
turn light into ...
write in cursive
fold a paper ...
drive a tractor
tie a knot
do this
train a dog
sew on a button
wrap a present
bend the ball
write in cursive
do this
fold a paper ...
play chess
tie a knot
build a dog house
turn light into ...
swing a golf club
use a sundial
set up a tent
tie a knot
use a sundial
write in cursive
do this
swing a golf club
sew on a button
bend the ball
fold a paper ...
turn light into ...
drive a tractor
wrap a present
bend the ball
train a dog
set up a tent
make a fire
tie a knot
wrap a present
play chess
fold a paper ...
drive a tractor
tie a knot
write in cursive
make a fire
sew on a button
set up a tent
wrap a present
fold a paper ...
sew on a button
use a sundial
swing a golf club
read Braille
bend the ball
make a fire
play chess
set up a tent
tie a knot
write in cursive
fold a paper ...
read Braille
sew on a button
build a dog house
wrap a present
swing a golf club
turn light into ...
make a fire
bend the ball
write in cursive
build a dog house
set up a tent
build a dog house
fold a paper ...
drive a tractor
sew on a button
make a fire
play chess
swing a golf club
set up a tent