MES English
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MES English has several sections and the navigation at the top will get you to where you need to go, but you can also use any one of these links below:

flashcards to print
ESL games
phonics worksheets
vocabulary videos
ESL projects
ESL teacher forums
free coloring pages

If you continue to get this message or are unable to find the resources you are looking for, please use the contact button at the bottom of the page and I'll be glad to fix any problems or help you find the materials you are looking for.

Some other MES websites you might be interested in are:

Tools for Educators - free worksheet makers and games to print
123 Certificates - printable certificate templates
Fun Fonix - phonics worksheets, workbooks and online games
123 Listening - free listening tests and listening worksheets
Hospital English - medical English materials
Sticker and Charts - free printable stickers and sticker charts



printable birthday cards, a printable calendar or printable certificates with your photo

End User License Agreement: You are free to download any resource from this site as an end user and grants you an End User License with the following restrictions: You may not redistribute, copy, modify, transfer, transmit, repackage, charge for or sell any of the materials from this site. You may use photocopies or printouts for distribution to your students. MES reserves the right to terminate or make changes to this agreement for any reason and without notice.

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